

  1. Yoshinori Dobashi, Naoto Ishikawa, Kei Iwasaki, "Efficient Visualization of Light Pollution for the Night Sky," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2023), Vol. 42, No. 6, Article 219 (2023/12) (project page).
  2. S. Sato, Y.Dobashi, T. Kim, "Steam-Guided Smoke Simulations," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2021), Vol. 40, No. 4, Article 161 (2021/08), ( project page )
  3. K. Nabata, K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, "Resampling-aware Weighting Functions for Bidirectional Path Tracing using Multiple Light Sub-paths," ACM Trans. on Graphics (to appear)
  4. K. Sakurai, Y.Dobashi, K. Iwasaki, T. Nishita, "Fabricating Reflectors for Displaying Multiple Images," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2018), Vol. 37, No. 4, Article No. 158 (2018). (project page)
  5. S. Sato, Y.Dobashi, T. Kim, T. Nishita, "Example-based Turbulence Style Transfer," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2018), Vol. 37, No. 4, Article No. 84 (2018) (project page)
  6. S. Sato Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Editing Fluid Animation using Flow Interpolation," ACM Trans. on Graphics, Vol. 37, No. 5, Article No. 173. (project page)
  7. M. Okabe, Y.Dobashi, K. Anjyo, R. Onai, "Fluid Volume Modeling from Sparse Multi-view Images by Appearance Transfer," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2015), Vol. 34, No. 4, Article 93:1-93:10, 2015. (project page)
  8. Y. Yue, K. Iwasaki, B.-Y. Chen, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita "Poisson-based Continuous Surface Generation for Goal-based Caustics," ACM Trans. on Graphics, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2014), Article 31:1-31:7, 2014.
  9. Y.Dobashi, W. Iwasaki, A. Ono, T. Yamamoto, Y. Yue, T. Nishita "An Inverse Problem Approach for Automatically Adjusting the Parameters for Rendering Clouds Using Photographs," ACM Trans. on Graphics, Vol. 31, No. 6 (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2012), Article 145, 2012-12. (pdf) (ppt)
  10. K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Interactive Bi-scale Editing of Highly Glossy Materials," ACM Trans. on Graphics, Vol. 31, No. 6 (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2012), Article 144, 2012-12.
  11. Y. Yue, K. Iwasaki, B.-Y. Chen, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Unbiased, Adaptive Stochastic Sampling for Rendering Inhomogeneous Participating Media," ACM Trans. on Graphics, Vol. 29, No. 5 (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2010), Article 177, 2010-12.
  12. Y.Dobashi, K. Kusumoto T.Nishita, T.Yamamoto, "Feedback Control of Cumuliform Cloud Formation based on Computational Fluid Dynamics," ACM Trans. on Graphics, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Proc. SIGGRAPH2008), 2008-8, Article 94. (pdf) (images) (movie) (ppt)
  13. Y.Dobashi, T.Yamamoto, T.Nishita, "Real-time Rendering of Aerodynamic Sound Using Sound Textures based on Computational Fluid Dynamics," ACM Trans. on Graphics, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Proc. SIGGRAPH2003), 2003-7, pp. 732-740. (images) (movie) (pdf) (ppt)
  14. Y.Dobashi, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, T.Okita, T.Nishita, "A Simple, Efficient Method for Realistic Animation of Clouds," Proc. SIGGRAPH2000, 2000-7, pp. 19-28. (images) (movie) (pdf) (ppt)
  15. T. Nishita, Y.Dobashi, E.Nakamae, "Display of Clouds Taking into Account Multiple Anisotropic Scattering and Sky Light," Proc. SIGGRAPH'96, 1996-8, pp.379-386. (abstract,PostScript,animation) (images) (movie)


  17. T. Takahashi, Y.Dobashi, I. Fujishiro, T. Nishita, M. C. Lin, "Implicit Formulation for SPH-based Viscous Fluids," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2015), to appear (2015). (images/movies)
  18. K. Iwasaki, K. Mizutani, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Interactive Cloth Rendering of Microcylinder Appearance Model under Environment Lighting, Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2014), Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 333-340 (2014).
  19. Y. Yue, K. Iwasaki, B-Y. Chen, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Pixel Art with Refracted Light by Rearrangeable Sticks," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2012), Vol. 31, No. 2pt3, pp. 575-582 (2012).
  20. K. Iwasaki, W. Furuya, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Real-time Rendering of Dynamic Scenes under All-frequency Lighting using Integral Spherical Gaussian," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2012), Vol. 31, No. 2pt3, pp. 727-734 (2012).
  21. Y.Dobashi, Y. Matsuda, T. Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "A Fast Simulation Method Using Overlapping Grids for Interactions between Smoke and Rigid Objects," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2008), Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 477-486 (2008) (images) (movie) (pdf)
  22. Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "Synthesizing Sound from Turbulent Field using Sound Textures for Interactive Fluid Simulation," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2004), Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 539-546(2004) (images) (movie) (pdf)
  23. K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, "A Fast Rendering Method for Refractive and Reflective Caustics due to Water Surfaces," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2003), Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 601-609 (2003).
  24. T. Nishita, H. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, E. Nakamae, "A Modeling and Rendering Method for Snow by Using Metaballs," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS'97), Vol.16, No.3, 1997-9, (abstract,PostScript) (images)
  25. Y.Dobashi, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, T. Nishita, "Method for Calculation of Sky Light Luminance Aiming at an Interactive Architectural Design," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS'96), Vol.15, No.3, 1996-9, pp. 112-118. (images) (movie) (pdf)
  26. Y.Dobashi, K.Kaneda, E.Nakashima, H.Yamashita, T. Nishita, "A Quick Rendering Method using Basis Functions for Interactive Lighting Design," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS'95), Vol.14, No.3, 1995-9, pp.229-240.(Best paper 3rd Prize) (images) (Demo using java) (pdf)
  27. Y.Dobashi, K.Kaneda, E.Nakashima, H.Yamashita, T. Nishita, K.Tadamura, "Skylight for Interior Design," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.EUROGRAPHICS'94), Vol.13, No.3, 1994-9 pp.85-96. (images)

  28. Pacific Graphics/Computer Graphics Forum

  29. Tetsuya Takahashi, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, Ming C. Lin, "An Efficient Hybrid Incompressible SPH Solver with Interface Handling for Boundary Conditions" Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.--, No.-, pp.--, 2016.
  30. Kosuke Nabata, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "An Error Estimation Framework for Many-Light Rendering" Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2016) Vol.35, No.7, pp.431-439, Oct 2016, Okinawa, Japan
  31. Yonghao Yue, Kei Iwasaki, Bing-Yu Chen, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Toward Optimal Space Partitioning for Unbiased, Adaptive Free Path Sampling of Inhomogeneous Participating Media" Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2011) Vol.30, No.7, pp.1911-1919, Sep 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  32. Y.Dobashi, Y. Shinzo, T. Yamamoto, "Modeling of Clouds from a Single Photograph," Computer Graphics Forum (PG 2010), Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 2083-2090 (2010).
  33. K. Iwasaki, H. Uchida, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Fast Particle-based Visual Simulation of Ice Melting," Computer Graphics Forum (PG 2010), Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 2215-2223 (2010).
  34. Yonghao Yue, Kei Iwasaki, Bing-Yu Chen, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Interactive Rendering of Interior Scenes with Dynamic Environment Illumination" Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2009) Vol.28, No.7, pp.1935-1944, Oct 2009, Jeju, Korea
  35. Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "Radiosity for Point-Sampled Geometry," Proc. Pacific Graphics 2004, pp. 152-159 (2004-10). (images) (movie) (pdf)
  36. K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, "An Efficient Method for Rendering Underwater Optical Effects Using Graphics Hardware," Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 21, No.4, pp. 1-11 (2002).
  37. Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto , T.Nishita, "Efficient Rendering of Lightning Taking into Account Scattering Effects due to Clouds and Atmospheric Particles," Proc. Pacific Graphics 2001, pp. 390-399 (2001). (abstract) (images) (movie) (pdf) (ppt)
  38. K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, "Efficient Rendering of Optical Effects within Water Using Graphics Hardware," Proc. Pacific Graphics 2001, pp. 374-383 (2001). (abstract) (movie)
  39. R. Miyazaki, S. Yoshida, Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, "A Method for Modeling Clouds based on Atmospheric Fluid Dynamics," Proc. Pacific Graphics 2001, pp. 363-372(2001). (abstract) (movie) (pdf)
  40. Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto , T.Nishita, "Interactive Rendering Method for Displaying Shafts of Light," Proc.Pacific Graphics 2000, pp. 31-37 (2000). (abstract) (images) (movie) (pdf)
  41. Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, H.Yamashita, T.Okita, "Modeling of Clouds from Satellite Images Using Metaballs," Proc. Pacific Graphics'98, pp.53-60 (1998). (abstract) (images) (movie) (pdf)
  42. T. Nishita, Y.Dobashi, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, "Display Method of the Sky Color Taking into Account Multiple Scattering," Proc. Pacific Graphics'96, pp.66-79. (movie)
  43. Y.Dobashi, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, T. Nishita "Fast Display Method of Sky Color Using Basis Functions," Proc. Pacific Graphics'95, pp. 194-208.


  45. Syuhei Sato, Y.Dobashi, Yonghao Yue, Kei Iwasaki, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Incompressibility-Preserving Deformation for Fluid Flows Using Vector Potentials," The Visual Computer (Proc. CGI 2015), Vol. , No., pp. , 2015/06 (to appear)
  46. Charles Welton, Y.Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, "Adaptive Cloud Simulation Using Position based Fluids," Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (Proc. CASA 2015), Vol. , No. , pp. , 2015/05 (to appear)
  47. Testsuya Takahasi, Y.Dobashi, Issei Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Volume Preserving Viscoelastic Fluids with Large Deformations Using Position-based Velocity Corrections" The Visual Computer, December 2014, Singapore project page
  48. Yusuke Tsuda, Yonghao Yue, Y.Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Visual Simulation of Mixed-motion Avalanches with Interactions Between Snow Layers" The Visual Computer (Proc. of CGI 2010) Vol.26, No.6-8, pp.883-891, Jun 2010, Singapore
  49. Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Nishita, "An interactive rendering system using hierarchical data structure for earth-scale clouds," Science in China Series F: Information Sciences Vol.53 No. 5, pp.920-931, (2010/5)
  50. K. Iwasaki, F. Yoshimoto Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "GPU-based Rendering of Point-sampled Water Surfaces," The Visual Computer, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 77-84 (2008).
  51. Y.Dobashi, Y. Enjyo, T.Yamamoto, T.Nishita, "A Fast Rendering Method for Clouds Illuminated by Lightning Taking into Account Multiple Scattering," The Visual Computer, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 697-705 (2007).
  52. Y.Dobashi, S. Hasegawa , M. Kato, M. Sato , T. Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "A Precomputed Approach for Real-time Haptic Interaction with Fluids," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 90-92 (2007).
  53. R. Mizuno, Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, "Modeling of Volcanic Clouds using CML," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, pp. 219-232 (2004)
  54. Y.Dobashi, C.Vlatko, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, T.Nishita, "A Fast Volume Rendering Method for Time-Varying 3-D Scalar Field Visualization Using Orthonormal Wavelets," IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 3431-3434 (1998). (abstract) (images) (movie) (pdf)
  55. Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, H.Yamashita, T.Okita, "Using metaballs to modeling and animate clouds from satellite images," The Visual Computer, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 471-482 (1999). (abstract) (images) (movie)
  56. Y.Dobashi, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, T. Nishita "A Fast Display Method of Sky Color using Basis functions," The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 115-127,1997-4 (abstract) (images)


  58. Y. Dobashi Y. Shibukawa, M. Tada, S. Sato, K. Iwasaki, T. Yamamoto, "An Interactive Editing System for Visual Appearances of Fire and Explosions," Proc. Eurographics 2015 Short Paper (2015/05) (to appear)
  59. K. Nabata, K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Efficient Divide-And-Conquer Ray Tracing Using Ray Sampling," Proc. High Performance Graphics 2013 (2013)
  60. Hisanari Otsu, Yonghao Yue, Qiming Hou, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Replica Exchange Light Transport on Relaxed Distributions," SIGGRAPH'13: SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters, Article No. 106 (2013/7)
  61. Tomokazu Ishikawa, Yoshinori Dobashi, Yonghao Yue, Masanori Kakimoto, Taichi Watanabe, Kunio Kondo, Kei Iwsaki, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Visual Simulation of Glazed Frost," SIGGRAPH'13: SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters, Article No. 14 (2013/7)
  62. Wataru Naya, Kazuya Fukumoto, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Yoshinori Dobashi, "Real-time Image-based Animation Using Morphing with Human Skeletal Tracking," Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Spatial User Interface (SUI'13), pp. 93-93 (2013/7)
  63. Kosuke Nabata, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Efficient Divide-and-conquer Ray Tracing Usigng Ray Sampling," Proceedings of the 5th High-Performance Graphics Conference (HPG'13), pp. 129-135 (2013/7)
  64. Yasuyuki Sato, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Yoshinori Dobashi, "Study of a Tactile Display System for Haptic Expression Using a Coil Array Structure," ISMAC 2013 International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology, (2013/2)
  65. K. Fukumoto, W. Naya, T. Yamamoto, Y. Dobashi, "Proposal of a Real-time Image-Based Animation System with Human Skeletal Tracking," ISMAC 2013 2013 International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology, (2013/2)
  66. T. Ishikawa, Y. Yue, K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Visual Simulation of Magnetic Fluids," Proc. of GRAPP, pp.319-327, 2012-2
  67. T. Ishikawa, Y. Yue, K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Visual Simulation of Magnetic Fluid Taking into Account Dynamic Deformation in Spikes," Proc. of IEVC 2012, 2012
  68. Syuhei Sato, Takuya Morita, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, "A Data-Driven Approach for Synthesizing High-Resolution Animation of Fire," i Digital Production Symposium 2012, (2012/8)
  69. Katsutoshi Kusumoto, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Keyframe Control of Cumulus Cloud Simulation," ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012 poster, (2012/11)
  70. Xiaoxiong Xing, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Yosuke Katsura, Ken Anjyo, Rendering Animated Hair Under Dynamic Environmental Lighting," ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012 poster, (2012/11)
  71. Xiaoxiong Xing, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Rendering Animated Hair Under Dynamic Environmental Lighting," VRCAI 2012 short paper, (2012/12)
  72. Munehiro Tada, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Feature-based Interpolation for the Interactive Editing of Shading Effects," VRCAI 2012 short paper, (2012/12)
  73. T. Nishino, K. Iwasaki, Y. Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Visual Simulation of Freezing Ice with Air Bubbles", SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012, Technical Brief.
  74. T. Ishikawa, Y. Yue, K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Modeling of Aurora Borealis Using the Observed Data," Proc. of SCCG, pp.35-38, 2011-4
  75. Syuhei Sato, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Ken Anjyo, "Controlling Simulated Explosions by Optimization and Prediction," Proc. CAD/Graphics2011 (2011/9)
  76. Ayumi Ono, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, "A System for Editing Sky Images Using an Image Database," ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 sketches, (2011/12)
  77. W. Furuya, K. Iwasaki, Y. Dobashi, T. Nishita, "An Efficient Calculation Method of Spherical Signed Distance Functions for Real-time Rendering", ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Technical Sketches.
  78. K. Iwasaki, T. Nishino, Y. Dobashi, "Real-time Rendering of Endless Cloud Animation", Proc. Pacific Graphics 2011 short paper, pp. 73-76.
  79. K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita "Interactive Lighting and Material Design for CyberWorlds," Proc. CyberWorlds 2010, pp. 331-337 (2010).
  80. M. Shinya, M. Shiraishi, Y.Dobashi, K. Iwasaki, T. Nishita "A Simplified Plane-Parallel Scattering Model and its Application to Hair Rendering," Proc. Pacific Graphics 2010, pp. 85-92 (2010, poster).
  81. T. Ishikawa, Y. Yue, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Visual Simulation of Solar Photosphere Based on Magnetohydrodynamics," Proc. of IEVC2010, 2010-300
  82. Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, T. Yamamoto, "Interactive and Realistic Visualization System for Earth-scale Clouds," Proc. Pacific Graphics (poster paper), pp. ??-??, 2009-10 (pdf).
  83. T. Ishikawa, Y. Yue, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita , "Visual Simulation of Solar Prominence Based on Magnetohydrodynamics," SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009, Poster, 2009-12
  84. Siren Bato, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, "Rendering Arbitrary Viewpoint Images from Image Cluster," International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology 2009, (2009/1)
  85. Siren Bato, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, "Image-based Rendering Using Unstructured Image Set," Second International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering 2009, (2009/10)
  86. Siren Bato, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, "Rendering from Unstructured Image Collections," IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2009, (2009/11)
  87. Yoshinori Dobashi, Shuhei Sato, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Ken Anjyo, "Controlling Explosion Simulation," SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 sketches, (2009/12)
  88. K. Iwasaki, F. Yoshimoto, Y. Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Inverse Problem Approch To BRDF Modeling," Proc. of GRAPP 2009, pp.129-136, 2009.
  89. Yonghao Yue, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Global Illumination for Interactive Lighting Design using Light Path Pre-computation and Hierarchical Histogram Estimation" Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2007, pp.87-96, Oct 2007, Maui, Hawaii, USA
  90. Yonghao Yue, Kei Iwasaki, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Global Illumination Using Precomputed Light Paths for Interactive Light Condition Manipulation" SIGGRAPH 2007 sketch
  91. K. Iwasaki, Y. Dobashi, F. Yoshimoto, T. Nishita, "Precomputed Radiance Transfer for Dynamic Scenes Taking into Account Light Interreflection," Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2007, pp.35-44, 2007
  92. K. Iwasaki, K. Ono, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Point-based Rendering of Water Surfaces with Splashes Simulated by Particle-based Simulation," CDROM of Proc. Nicograph International, 2006-6
  93. Y. Moro, R. Miyazaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "A Fast Rendering Method for Shafts of Light in Outdoor Scene," CDROM of Proc. Nicograph International, 2006-6
  94. Y.Dobashi, Y. Yamada, T. Yamamoto, "Efficient Rendering of Glossy Reflection Using Graphics Hardware," CD-ROM of Proc. Nicograph International 2006, (2006-6).
  95. Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "A Controllable Method for Animation of Earth-scale Clouds," Proc. CASA 2006, pp. 43-52 (2006-7). (pdf)
  96. K. Iwasaki, F. Yoshimoto, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Real-time Rendering of Point-based Water Surfaces", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proc. of Computer Graphics International 2006), pp.102-114. 2006.
  97. K. Iwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Naoki, H. Johan, F. Yoshimoto, T. Nishita, "Precomputed Radiance Transfer for Dynamic Scenes with Diffuse Interreflection", SIGGRAPH2006 technical sketch.
  98. Y.Dobashi, S. Hasegawa , M. Kato, M. Sato , T. Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "A Fluid Resistance Map Method for Real-time Haptic Interaction with Fluids," Proc. ACM Symposium Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2006, pp. 91-99 (2006-8).
  99. Y.Dobashi, S. Hasegawa , M. Kato, M. Sato , T. Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "A Fluid Resistance Map Method for Real-time Haptic Interaction with Fluids," Proc. Siggraph 2005 Technical Sketches (Conference DVD-ROM) (2005-8).
  100. S. Hasegawa , Y.Dobashi, M. Kato, M. Sato , T.Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "Virtual Canoe: Real-Time Realistic Water Simulation for Haptic Interaction," Proc. Siggraph 2005 Emerging Technology Project (2005-8).
  101. K. Iwasaki, F. Yoshimoto, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "A Fast Rendering Technique of Transparent Objects and Caustics," Proc. CASA 2005, pp. ??-?? (2004-11).
  102. T. Ishikawa, R. Miyazaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Visual Simulation of Spreading Fire," Proc. Nicograph International 2005, pp. 43-48 (2005-4).
  103. T. Sato, Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto, K. Takao, K. Anjyo, "Extracting 3D Stylized Accentuation Effects from a Painted Image," Proc. Computer Graphics International 2004 (CGI 2004), pp. 222-229 (2004-6).
  104. R.Miyazaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "A Fast Rendering Method of Clouds using Shadow-View Slices," Proc. CGIM 2004, pp. 93-98 (2004).
  105. K. Iwasaki, F. Yoshimoto, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "A Rapid Rendering Method for Caustics Arising from Refraction by Transparent Objects," Proc. Cyber World 2004, pp. 39-44 (2004-11).
  106. Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto, T. Nishita, "A Radiosity Method for Point-sampled Geometry," Proc. Siggraph 2003 Technical Sketches (Conference DVD-ROM) (2003-7).
  107. R. Mizuno , Y.Dobashi, B.-Y. Chen, T.Nishita, "Modeling Volcanic Clouds: a Physical, 3D and Effcient Method," SIGGRAPH 2003 Sketches & Applications (Conference DVD-ROM), 2003-7
  108. K. Iwasaki , Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, "A Volume Rendering Approach for Sea Surfaces Taking into Account Second Order Scattering Using Scattering Maps," Proc. Volume Graphics 2003, pp. 129-136 (2003-7).
  109. R. Mizuno , Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, B.-Y. Chen, T.Nishita, "Physics Motivated Modeling of Volcanic Clouds as a Two Fluids Model," Proc. Pacific Graphics 2003, pp. 434-439 (2003-10).
  110. Tomoya Sato, Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto , "A Method for Real-Time Rendering of Water Droplets Taking into Account Interactive Depth of Field Effects," Proc. IWEC 2002, pp. 110-117 (2002). (pdf)
  111. Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto , "A Computer-Aided System for Setting Parameters for Realistic Image Synthesis," Proc. CGIM 2002, pp. 74-78 (2002). (pdf)
  112. T. Nishita, K. Kondo, Y. Ohno, M. Takai, K.Miura, Y.Dobashi, T. Ishida, T. Takahashi, A. Kimura, A. Miyai, "Development of Web Based Training System and Courseware for Advanced Computer Graphics Courses Enhanced by Interactive Java Applets," Proc. ICGG 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 123-128 (2002).
  113. Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita , T. Yamamoto , "Interactive Rendering of Atmospheric Scattering Effects Using Graphics Hardware," Proc. Graphics Hardware 2002, pp. 99-108 (2002). (images) (movie) (pdf) (ppt)
  114. Y.Dobashi, T. Haga, H. Johan, T. Nishita , "A Method for Creaging Mosaic Images Using Voronoi Diagrams," Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2002 Short Presentations, pp. 341-348 (2002). (pdf)
  115. R. Miyazaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita , "Simulation of Cumuliform Clouds Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics," Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2002 Short Presentations, pp. 405-410 (2002). (pdf)
  116. R. Mizuno, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita , "Volcanic Smoke Animation using CML," Proc. International Computer Symposium 2002 (ICS2002), Vol. 2, pp.1375-1382 (2002).
  117. Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, R. Miyazaki, S. Yoshida, "Modeling and Dynamics of Clouds Using a Coupled Map Lattice," Proc. Siggraph 2001 Technical Sketches, pp. 229, Los Angeles (USA), August 2001.
  118. A. Kazumi, M. Kondo, K. Hiramitsu, K. Anjyo, Y.Dobashi, "Digital Tricks for Japanese Cel Animation," Proc. Siggraph 2001 Technical Sketches, pp. 172, Los Angeles (USA), August 2001.
  119. S. Kumazawa, T. Yamamoto, Y.Dobashi, "A Probabilistic Approach for Estimation of Physiological Movements in fMRI," Proc. 23th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2001).
  120. Y.Dobashi, T. Okita, T.Nishita, "Interactive Rendering of Shafts of Light Using a Hardware-accelerated Volume Rendering Technique," Proc. Siggraph 2000 Technical Sketches, pp. 219, New Orleans (USA), July 2000.
  121. Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, T.Okita, "Animation of Clouds Using Cellular Automaton," Proc. CGIM'99, pp. 251-256 (1999). (abstract) (images) (movie) (pdf)
  122. Y.Dobashi, C.Vlatko, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, T.Nishita, "A Fast Volume Rendering Method for Time-Varying 3-D Scalar Field Visualization Using Orthonormal Wavelets," Proc. COMPUMAG'97 pp. 307-308 (short paper)(1997). (images) (movie)
  123. K.Kaneda, Y.Dobashi, K.Yamamoto, H.Yamashita, "Fast Volume Rendering with Adjustable Color Maps," Porc. 1996 Symposium on Volume Visualization, pp. 7-14 (images and abstract)


  125. 佐藤 周平, 森田 拓也, 土橋 宜典, 山本 強, "基本速度場による流体アニメーションの高解像度化," 電子情報通信学会 論文誌D Vol.J96-D No.2 pp.338-345.(2013/2)
  126. 岩崎 航, 土橋 宜典, 山本 強, "Radial Basis Functionを用いた雲のボリュームレンダリングの編集システム," 電子情報通信学会 論文誌D Vol. J95-D, No. 2, pp. 297-304 (2012/2)
  127. 古家 亙, 岩崎 慶, 土橋 宜典, 西田 友是, "球近似と符号付き球面距離関数による動的シーンのリアルタイムレンダリング," 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol. 53, No. 7, 2012.
  128. T. Ishikawa, Y. Yue, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Visual Simulation of Solar Photosphere Based on Magnetrohydrodynamics and Quantum Theory", J. of IIEEJ, Vol.40, No.1, pp.141-150, 2011-1
  129. 江口 千央, 土橋 宜典, 山本 強, "Spherical Harmonic Exponentiationを用いた動的な雲の高速レンダリング," 電子情報通信学会 論文誌A Vol.J94-A No.1 pp.30-36, (2011/1)
  130. 佐藤 周平, 土橋 宜典, 山本 強, 安生 健一, "最適な初期強度分布の推定および予測制御による爆発シミュレーションの制御," 映像情報メディア学会誌 Vol.65 No.10 pp.1446-1451, (2011/10)
  131. Mikio Shinya, Michio SHiraishi, Yoshinori Dobashi, Kei Iwasaki, Tomoyuki Nishita, "Rendering Translucent Materials with Plane-parallel Solution," 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol. 50, No. 6, pp.1668-1678, 2009.
  132. 小林 敏泰, 土橋 宜典, 山本 強, "重なり格子を用いた水のビジュアルシミュレーション," 電子情報通信学会 論文誌D, J92-D(2), pp. 247-254 (2009-02-01).
  133. 楠元 克敏, 土橋 宜典, 山本 強, "フィードバック制御による積乱雲のキーフレームコントロール," 映像情報メディア学会誌, 63(3), pp.355-360 (2009-03-01).
  134. 巴図 斯仁, 土橋 宜典, 山本 強, "イメージクラスタからの任意視点画像生成," 映像情報メディア学会誌, 63(10), pp. 1453-1458 (2009-10).
  135. 楠元 克敏, 土橋 宜典, 山本 強, "流体解析に基づくセル状の雲のシミュレーションのコントロール," 電子情報通信学会 論文誌D, J92-D(12), pp. 2270-2277 (2009-12).
  136. 岩崎慶, 土橋 宜典, 西田友是, "逆問題アプローチによるBRDFモデリング," 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol. 50, No.8, pp.1917-1925, 2009.
  137. 新谷幹夫, 白石路雄, 土橋 宜典, 岩崎慶, 西田友是, "散乱媒質の反射・透過分布の計算と補間処理," 画像電子学会論文誌,Vol.38, No.4, pp.423-431, 2009.
  138. Y.Enjyo, Y.Dobashi, T.Yamamoto, "Visual Simulation of Flame Taking into Account Illumination Effect," The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 482-487 (2007) ( in japanese )
  139. M. Sakai, N. Ichijo, Y.Dobashi, T.Yamamoto, "The Effect of Web3D Data Improvement by Shading Language," The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 488-494 (2007) ( in japanese )
  140. Y. Moro, K. Ikwasaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "Real-time Particle-based Simulation on Surface Flow," The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Vol. 61, No. 10, pp. 1457-1462 (2007) (in japanese)
  141. J. Henry, H. Matsui, T. Haga, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "A Method for Creating Region-Based and Stroke-Based Artistic Images," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, Vol. J88-D-II, No. 2, pp.358-367(2005) ( in japanese )
  142. J. Suzuki, Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto, "A Method for Painterly Rendering of Water Surface," The Journal of the Insttitute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 302-310 (2005) ( in japanese ).
  143. K. Iwasaki, F. Yoshimoto, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita "A Method for Fast Rendering of Caustics from Refraction by Transparent Objects," IEICE Trans., E88-D: Special Issue on Cyberworlds 2005, pp. 904-911 (2005).
  144. R. Miyazaki, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita, "An Efficient Cloud Visual Simulation Using Adaptive Grid Method," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, Vol. J87-D-II, No. 9, pp.1814-1822(2004) ( in japanese )
  145. K. Iwasaki, T. Yanagita, Y.Dobashi, T. Nishita "A Calculation of Multiple Scattering Using Scattering Maps and An Efficient Method for Rendering Sky," The Journal of the Insttitute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 515-522 (2004) ( in japanese )
  146. T. Sato, Y.Dobashi, T. Yamamoto, K. Takao, K.Anjyo, "Extracting Accentuation Effects from a Painted Image," The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Vol. 58, No. 10, pp. 1483-1488 (2004) ( in japanese )
  147. S. Kumazawa, T.Yamamoto, Y.Dobashi, "Motion Correction of Physiological Movements Using Optical Flow for fMRI Time Series," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, Vol. E85-D, No. 1, pp. 60-68 (2002)
  148. H.Mukaidani, T.Nitta, Y.Dobashi, "Suboptimal Guaranteed Cost Control of Singularly Perturbed Uncertain Systems," T.SICE, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 316-324 (2001) (in japanese ).
  149. Y.Dobashi, N.Nishimoto, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, "Fast Rendering of Clouds Taking Account of Multiple Scattering Using Graphics Hardware," The Journal of the Insttitute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp.362-370 (2001)( in japanese )
  150. Y.Dobashi, T.Nishita, T.Yamamoto, "An Accurate, Fast Method Using Graphics Hardware for Rendering Shafts of Light," The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Vol. 55, No. 7, pp.362-370 (2001) ( in japanese )
  151. K.Kaneda, K.Tomida, H.Yamashita, Y.Dobashi, "A Fast, Accurate Rendering Method of Outdoor Scenes Using an All-weather Skylight Model," The Journal of the Insttitute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 349-357 (1999) ( in japanese ). (abstract) (images) (movie)
  152. Y.Dobashi, H.Nakatani, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, "An Interactive Lighting Design System Integrating Forward and Inverse Approach," The Journal of the Insttitute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 349-359,1998 ( in japanese ) (abstract)
  153. Y.Dobashi, K.Kaneda, H.Yamashita, T. Nishita "A Quick Rendering Method for Outdoor Scenes Using Sky Light Luminance Functions Expressed with Basis Functions," The Journal of the Insttitute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 196-205,1995 ( in japanese , Paper Award) (abstract)

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Yoshinori Dobashi
Information Media Environment
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Hokkaido University
Kita-ku, Kita 14, Nishi 9
Sapporo Japan 060-0814