
科目名: メディアネットワーク実験IIA(2019年~)
対象: メディアネットワークコース3年目
日時: 11月18日(水) - 11月19日(木)13:00~18:00
場所: M棟1階計算機室
レポート提出締切: 11月25日(火)13:00
レポート提出先: メールにファイルを添付し、aoki@ime.ist.hokudai.ac.jpまで提出すること.
連絡先: 青木 直史(情報エレクトロニクス棟6階6-07)(Tel: 011-706-6532)(E-mail: aoki@ime.ist.hokudai.ac.jp)




 本実験は,Jupyter Notebookを利用し,下記のプログラムをブラウザを使って実行しながら進めるものとする.なお,音を確認する場合は各自のイヤフォンまたはヘッドフォンを使うこと.環境のインストールはつぎの手順のとおり.
(1) Anacondaのインストール
から「Python 3.7」のインストーラをダウンロードして実行.
(2) ライブラリのインストール
Anaconda Promptを開く.
pip install librosa
pip install --upgrade tensorflow==2.0.0
pip install keras
(3) Jupyter Notebookの起動
jupyter notebook
(4) ブラウザ(Chrome推奨)を利用してプログラミングを行う.
音ファイルや画像ファイルを利用するときは「Upload」ボタンをクリックし,必要なファイルをJupyter Notebookにアップロードすること.


%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import wavfile
from IPython.display import display, Audio
def sine_instrument(fs, f, a, duration):
    length_of_s = int(fs * duration)
    s = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        s[n] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * n / fs)

    for n in range(int(fs * 0.01)):
        s[n] *= n / (fs * 0.01)
        s[length_of_s - n - 1] *= n / (fs * 0.01)

    gain = a / np.max(np.abs(s))
    s *= gain
    return s
number_of_note = 16
score = np.array([[1, 0, 659.26, 0.8, 1],
                  [1, 1, 587.33, 0.8, 1],
                  [1, 2, 523.25, 0.8, 1],
                  [1, 3, 493.88, 0.8, 1],
                  [1, 4, 440.00, 0.8, 1],
                  [1, 5, 392.00, 0.8, 1],
                  [1, 6, 440.00, 0.8, 1],
                  [1, 7, 493.88, 0.8, 1],
                  [2, 0, 261.63, 0.8, 1],
                  [2, 1, 196.00, 0.8, 1],
                  [2, 2, 220.00, 0.8, 1],
                  [2, 3, 164.81, 0.8, 1],
                  [2, 4, 174.61, 0.8, 1],
                  [2, 5, 130.81, 0.8, 1],
                  [2, 6, 174.61, 0.8, 1],
                  [2, 7, 196.00, 0.8, 1]])
fs = 8000
length_of_s = int(fs * 10)
s = np.zeros(length_of_s)

for i in range(number_of_note):
    track = score[i, 0]
    onset = score[i, 1]
    f = score[i, 2]
    a = score[i, 3]
    duration = score[i, 4]
    x = sine_instrument(fs, f, a, duration)
    offset = int(fs * onset)
    length_of_x = len(x)
    for n in range(length_of_x):
        s[offset + n] += x[n]
gain = 0.5 / np.max(np.abs(s))
s *= gain
wavfile.write('ex01.wav', fs, (s * 32768).astype(np.int16))


%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import wavfile
from IPython.display import display, Audio
def sine_instrument(fs, note_number, velocity, gate):
    f = 440 * np.power(2, (note_number - 69) / 12)
    length_of_s = int(fs * gate)
    s = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        s[n] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * n / fs)

    for n in range(int(fs * 0.01)):
        s[n] *= n / (fs * 0.01)
        s[length_of_s - n - 1] *= n / (fs * 0.01)

    gain = velocity / 127 / np.max(np.abs(s))
    s *= gain
    return s
number_of_note = 16
score = np.array([[1,    0, 76, 96, 960],
                  [1,  960, 74, 96, 960],
                  [1, 1920, 72, 96, 960],
                  [1, 2880, 71, 96, 960],
                  [1, 3840, 69, 96, 960],
                  [1, 4800, 67, 96, 960],
                  [1, 5760, 69, 96, 960],
                  [1, 6720, 71, 96, 960],
                  [2,    0, 60, 96, 960],
                  [2,  960, 55, 96, 960],
                  [2, 1920, 57, 96, 960],
                  [2, 2880, 52, 96, 960],
                  [2, 3840, 53, 96, 960],
                  [2, 4800, 48, 96, 960],
                  [2, 5760, 53, 96, 960],
                  [2, 6720, 55, 96, 960]])
time_division = 480
tempo = 120
fs = 8000
length_of_s = int(fs * 10)
s = np.zeros(length_of_s)

for i in range(number_of_note):
    track = score[i, 0]
    onset = score[i, 1] * 60  / tempo / time_division
    note_number = score[i, 2]
    velocity = score[i, 3]
    gate = int(score[i, 4] * 60  / tempo / time_division)
    x = sine_instrument(fs, note_number, velocity, gate)
    offset = int(fs * onset)
    length_of_x = len(x)
    for n in range(length_of_x):
        s[offset + n] += x[n]
gain = 0.5 / np.max(np.abs(s))
s *= gain
wavfile.write('ex02.wav', fs, (s * 32768).astype(np.int16))


%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import wavfile
from IPython.display import display, Audio
def ADSR(fs, A, D, S, R, gate, duration):
    A = int(fs * A)
    D = int(fs * D)
    R = int(fs * R)
    gate = int(fs * gate)
    duration = int(fs * duration)
    e = np.zeros(duration)
    if A != 0:
        for n in range(A):
            e[n] = 1.0 - np.exp(-5.0 * n / A)

    if D != 0:
        for n in range(A, gate):
            e[n] = S + (1.0 - S) * np.exp(-5.0 * (n - A) / D)

        for n in range(A, gate):
            e[n] = S

    if R != 0:
        for n in range(gate, duration):
            e[n]= e[gate - 1] * np.exp(-5.0 * (n - gate + 1) / R)

    return e
def marimba(fs, note_number, velocity, gate):
    f0 = 440 * np.power(2, (note_number - 69) / 12)
    duration = gate + 0.5
    length_of_s = int(fs * duration)
    s = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    p = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        p[n] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * n / fs)
    vca_A = 0.05
    vca_D = 0.8
    vca_S = 0
    vca_R = 0.8
    vca_offset = 0
    vca_depth = 1
    vca = ADSR(fs, vca_A, vca_D, vca_S, vca_R, gate, duration)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        vca[n] = vca_offset + vca[n] * vca_depth
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        p[n] *= vca[n] * 0.3
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        s[n] += p[n]
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        p[n] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * 4 * n / fs)
    vca_A = 0.05
    vca_D = 0.2
    vca_S = 0
    vca_R = 0.2
    vca_offset = 0
    vca_depth = 1
    vca = ADSR(fs, vca_A, vca_D, vca_S, vca_R, gate, duration)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        vca[n] = vca_offset + vca[n] * vca_depth
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        p[n] *= vca[n] * 1.0
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        s[n] += p[n]
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        p[n] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * 10 * n / fs)
    vca_A = 0.05
    vca_D = 0.1
    vca_S = 0
    vca_R = 0.1
    vca_offset = 0
    vca_depth = 1
    vca = ADSR(fs, vca_A, vca_D, vca_S, vca_R, gate, duration)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        vca[n] = vca_offset + vca[n] * vca_depth
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        p[n] *= vca[n] * 0.05
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        s[n] += p[n]
    gain = velocity / 127 / np.max(np.abs(s))
    s *= gain
    return s
number_of_note = 16
score = np.array([[1,    0, 76, 96, 960],
                  [1,  960, 74, 96, 960],
                  [1, 1920, 72, 96, 960],
                  [1, 2880, 71, 96, 960],
                  [1, 3840, 69, 96, 960],
                  [1, 4800, 67, 96, 960],
                  [1, 5760, 69, 96, 960],
                  [1, 6720, 71, 96, 960],
                  [2,    0, 60, 96, 960],
                  [2,  960, 55, 96, 960],
                  [2, 1920, 57, 96, 960],
                  [2, 2880, 52, 96, 960],
                  [2, 3840, 53, 96, 960],
                  [2, 4800, 48, 96, 960],
                  [2, 5760, 53, 96, 960],
                  [2, 6720, 55, 96, 960]])
time_division = 480
tempo = 120
fs = 8000
length_of_s = int(fs * 10)
s = np.zeros(length_of_s)

for i in range(number_of_note):
    track = score[i, 0]
    onset = score[i, 1] * 60  / tempo / time_division
    note_number = score[i, 2]
    velocity = score[i, 3]
    gate = int(score[i, 4] * 60  / tempo / time_division)
    x = marimba(fs, note_number, velocity, gate)
    offset = int(fs * onset)
    length_of_x = len(x)
    if track == 1:
        gain = 1
    elif track == 2:
        gain = 0.1
    for n in range(length_of_x):
        s[offset + n] += x[n] * gain
gain = 0.5 / np.max(np.abs(s))
s *= gain
wavfile.write('ex03.wav', fs, (s * 32768).astype(np.int16))


%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import wavfile
from IPython.display import display, Audio
def ADSR(fs, A, D, S, R, gate, duration):
    A = int(fs * A)
    D = int(fs * D)
    R = int(fs * R)
    gate = int(fs * gate)
    duration = int(fs * duration)
    e = np.zeros(duration)
    if A != 0:
        for n in range(A):
            e[n] = 1.0 - np.exp(-5.0 * n / A)

    if D != 0:
        for n in range(A, gate):
            e[n] = S + (1.0 - S) * np.exp(-5.0 * (n - A) / D)

        for n in range(A, gate):
            e[n] = S

    if R != 0:
        for n in range(gate, duration):
            e[n]= e[gate - 1] * np.exp(-5.0 * (n - gate + 1) / R)

    return e
def LPF(fs, fc, Q):
    fc /= fs
    fc = np.tan(np.pi * fc) / (2.0 * np.pi)
    a = np.zeros(3)
    b = np.zeros(3)
    a[0] = 1.0 + 2.0 * np.pi * fc / Q + 4.0 * np.pi * np.pi * fc * fc
    a[1] = (8.0 * np.pi * np.pi * fc * fc - 2.0) / a[0]
    a[2] = (1.0 - 2.0 * np.pi * fc / Q + 4.0 * np.pi * np.pi * fc * fc) / a[0]
    b[0] = 4.0 * np.pi * np.pi * fc * fc / a[0]
    b[1] = 8.0 * np.pi * np.pi * fc * fc / a[0]
    b[2] = 4.0 * np.pi * np.pi * fc * fc / a[0]
    a[0] = 1.0
    return a, b
def reed_organ(fs, note_number, velocity, gate):
    f0 = 440 * np.power(2, (note_number - 69) / 12)
    duration = gate + 0.1
    length_of_s = int(fs * duration)
    s0 = np.zeros(length_of_s)

    vco_A = 0
    vco_D = 0
    vco_S = 1
    vco_R = 0
    vco_offset = f0
    vco_depth = 0
    vco = ADSR(fs, vco_A, vco_D, vco_S, vco_R, gate, duration)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        vco[n] = vco_offset + vco[n] * vco_depth
    t = 0
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        s0[n] = -2 * t + 1
        delta = vco[n] / fs
        if 0 <= t and t < delta:
            x = t / delta
            y = -x * x + x + x - 1
            s0[n] += y
        elif 1 - delta < t and t <= 1:
            x = (t - 1) / delta
            y = x * x + x + x + 1
            s0[n] += y;
        t += delta
        if t >= 1:
            t -= 1

    vcf_A = 0
    vcf_D = 0
    vcf_S = 1
    vcf_R = 0
    vcf_offset = f0 * 2
    vcf_depth = 0
    vcf = ADSR(fs, vcf_A, vcf_D, vcf_S, vcf_R, gate, duration)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        vcf[n] = vcf_offset + vcf[n] * vcf_depth

    s1 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    Q = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        a, b = LPF(fs, vcf[n], Q)
        for m in range(0, 3):
            if n - m >= 0:
                s1[n] += b[m] * s0[n - m]

        for m in range(1, 3):
            if n - m >= 0:
                s1[n] += -a[m] * s1[n - m]

    vca_A = 0.3
    vca_D = 0
    vca_S = 1
    vca_R = 0.1
    vca_offset = 0
    vca_depth = 1
    vca = ADSR(fs, vca_A, vca_D, vca_S, vca_R, gate, duration)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        vca[n] = vca_offset + vca[n] * vca_depth

    for n in range(length_of_s):
        s1[n] *= vca[n]

    gain = velocity / 127 / np.max(np.abs(s1))
    s1 *= gain

    return s1
def reverb(fs, s):
    length_of_s = len(s)

    d = int(fs * 0.03985)
    g = 0.871402
    r1 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        if n - d > 0:
            r1[n] = s[n - d] + g * r1[n - d]

    d = int(fs * 0.03610)
    g = 0.882762
    r2 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        if n - d > 0:
            r2[n] = s[n - d] + g * r2[n - d]

    d = int(fs * 0.03327)
    g = 0.891443
    r3 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        if n - d > 0:
            r3[n] = s[n - d] + g * r3[n - d]

    d = int(fs * 0.03015)
    g = 0.901117
    r4 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        if n - d > 0:
            r4[n] = s[n - d] + g * r4[n - d]

    r5 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        r5[n] = r1[n] + r2[n] + r3[n] + r4[n]

    d = int(fs * 0.005)
    g = 0.7
    r6 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    r7 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        if n - d > 0:
            r6[n] = r5[n - d] + g * r6[n - d]

        r7[n] = r6[n] - g * (r5[n] + g * r6[n])

    d = int(fs * 0.0017)
    g = 0.7
    r8 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    r9 = np.zeros(length_of_s)
    for n in range(length_of_s):
        if n - d > 0:
            r8[n] = r7[n - d] + g * r8[n - d]

        r9[n] = r8[n] - g * (r7[n] + g * r8[n])

    for n in range(length_of_s):
        s[n] += r9[n] * 0.5

    return s
number_of_note = 16
score = np.array([[1,    0, 76, 96, 960],
                  [1,  960, 74, 96, 960],
                  [1, 1920, 72, 96, 960],
                  [1, 2880, 71, 96, 960],
                  [1, 3840, 69, 96, 960],
                  [1, 4800, 67, 96, 960],
                  [1, 5760, 69, 96, 960],
                  [1, 6720, 71, 96, 960],
                  [2,    0, 60, 96, 960],
                  [2,  960, 55, 96, 960],
                  [2, 1920, 57, 96, 960],
                  [2, 2880, 52, 96, 960],
                  [2, 3840, 53, 96, 960],
                  [2, 4800, 48, 96, 960],
                  [2, 5760, 53, 96, 960],
                  [2, 6720, 55, 96, 960]])
time_division = 480
tempo = 120
fs = 8000
length_of_s = int(fs * 10)
s = np.zeros(length_of_s)

for i in range(number_of_note):
    track = score[i, 0]
    onset = score[i, 1] * 60  / tempo / time_division
    note_number = score[i, 2]
    velocity = score[i, 3]
    gate = int(score[i, 4] * 60  / tempo / time_division)
    x = reed_organ(fs, note_number, velocity, gate)
    offset = int(fs * onset)
    length_of_x = len(x)
    if track == 1:
        gain = 1
    elif track == 2:
        gain = 1
    for n in range(length_of_x):
        s[offset + n] += x[n] * gain
s = reverb(fs, s)
gain = 0.5 / np.max(np.abs(s))
s *= gain
wavfile.write('ex04.wav', fs, (s * 32768).astype(np.int16))


(課題1)(必修) 楽器音を作るプログラムを作成し,その楽器音を使ってカノンの音楽データを作成しなさい.なお,プログラムおよび作成した音楽データはメールで提出しなさい.
(課題2)(選択) 音響合成の方法について調べ,具体的に説明しなさい.(キーワード検索のヒント:加算合成,減算合成,FM合成)
(課題3)(選択) サウンドエフェクトの方法について調べ,具体的に説明しなさい.(キーワード検索のヒント:リバーブ,ディストーション,コーラス)
(課題4)(発展) 少なくとも2種類の楽器音を使って,カノン以外の音楽データを作りなさい.
(課題5)(発展) MIDIファイルを解析し,音楽情報を読み取る方法について考察しなさい.




青木 直史, ``ゼロからはじめる音響学,'' 講談社, 2014.
青木 直史, ``サウンドプログラミング入門 - 音響合成の基本とC言語による実装 - ,'' 技術評論社, 2013.
青木 直史, ``C言語ではじめる音のプログラミング - サウンドエフェクトの信号処理 - ,'' オーム社, 2008.
青木 直史, ``ディジタル・サウンド処理入門 - 音のプログラミングとMATLAB(Octave・Scilab)における実際 - ,'' CQ出版社, 2006.

Last Modified: November 12 12:00 JST 2020 by Naofumi Aoki
E-mail: aoki@ime.ist.hokudai.ac.jp